Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


Climate activists are turning out Pa. voters to flip the state House — and boost Biden

Edna Patterson can list the reasons she spends 15 to 20 hours a week calling Pennsylvania voters to talk about climate change:

She’s a former high school science teacher. Before that, she worked for a federal climate assessment program as a meteorologist. And she has kids and grandkids.

“Time’s running out,” said Patterson.

Patterson, 68, of West Chester, volunteers for Conservation Voters of PA as it works to reach more than two million voters before Tuesday. And she’s one of many advocates pushing the issue during an election year that has seen Americans roiled by natural disasters extreme enough to capture public attention, even amid the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic.

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US election swing states: will Donald Trump hold on to Pennsylvania?

“The shifting political climate in the state has put a number of races in play that weren’t in prior cycles,” said Josh McNeil, executive director of Conservation Voters of PA. “The increased polarisation, largely around the president, has reshaped the political landscape. If you voted against the environment a lot in, say, Bucks County, it’s a lot harder to get away with it now.”

The Conservation Voters of PA and other environmental groups are spending more than $2m on legislative races in the state, hoping that 2018’s results and anti-Trump backlash will allow for down-ballot Democratic victories. The state-level legislative maps in Pennsylvania heavily favour Republicans, even in the absence of gerrymandering. Although the Democrats are very competitive in state-level races, and win a majority of votes half the time, they routinely fail to win control of the General Assembly.

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Group looks to turn PA General Assembly blue to make progress on the environment

Polls show that a majority of Pennsylvanians want lawmakers to do something about climate change. An annual environmental scorecard tracks how state legislators vote on climate and other environmental issues. In many parts of the state, that voting record is pretty dismal. 

Conservation Voters of PA and its partners put out this scorecard each year. To get more traction on environmental issues, they’re putting money and resources into endorsing candidates to flip Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled legislature. The Allegheny Front’s Kara Holsopple spoke with Josh McNeil, executive director of Conservation Voters of PA.

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Swing-state Pennsylvanians are divided on fracking. Here’s why.

Josh McNeil, the executive director of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, which opposes fracking, said that it is time for the state to break free of extractive industries that have caused boom and bust cycles.

“Two months ago now, the legislature gave away a [$670] million handout to build petrochemical plants in the state, and they did that to create a market for natural gas. I’m not seeing anything like that for solar or wind.”

“We would like to see an even playing field that allows solar and wind, which in many cases are already cheaper than coal and gas, get the same kind of treatment.”

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Two PA House incumbents named to national list of worst environmental candidates

Dirty Dozen

Two Pennsylvania state lawmakers seeking re-election this November have been nominated as among the worst candidates on environmental issues in the country.

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New poll highlights importance of environment for PA voters

As the global pandemic has driven more families to seek safer outdoor recreation options, Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly support open spaces, parks and the outdoors, according to a new poll that highlights the importance of environmental issues as voters go to the polls in a key swing state.

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Environmental groups to spend $2M to flip Pa. legislature

Several Pennsylvania environmental groups plan to pour millions into closely contested State House and Senate races with the goal of flipping the General Assembly in Democrats’ favor.

Josh McNeil, executive director of Conservation Voters of PA –– an independent affiliate of the national League of Conservation Voters –– said his group would sink $971,000 into independent expenditures designed to knock out incumbents in 22 legislative races, including 11 in the Philadelphia suburbs.

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Hold politicians accountable for environmental voting records

Between PFAS contamination, poor air quality, and the general looming dangers related to climate change, Bucks County does not have time to wait for environmental action. When our elected officials refuse to do the right thing for Bucks County’s air and water, it’s important we hold them accountable.

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SEPTA board shifts to Democratic majority for first time ever

The blue wave that crashed on the Philadelphia suburbs last November has rippled through SEPTA’s governing body, which now has a Democratic majority for the first time.

SEPTA’s newest board member, John Cordisco, a lawyer and chairman of the Bucks County Democratic Committee, gives the 15-member board an 8-7 tilt toward the Democrats. On Thursday, Cordisco replaced Charles Martin, a former Bucks County commissioner, who was appointed to the board in 2001.

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Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Launches Largest State Electoral Campaign by Environmental Group in Commonwealth History


Leading environmental advocacy group Conservation Voters of PA (CVPA) has launched a massive statewide campaign designed to flip the Pennsylvania General Assembly to a pro-environment majority in the upcoming election. In the largest state-level electoral campaign by an environmental group in Pennsylvania’s history, CVPA will invest more than $971,000 to support candidates who are committed to ensuring our state’s families can breathe clean air and drink safe water.

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