Emily Kinkead - HD-20

Emily Kinkead

Representative Emily Kinkead is running for re-election to the State House in the 20th district, representing part of Allegheny County. She has a 100% on the 2021-2022 Environmental Scorecard.

Rep. Kinkead has been active with the Women in the Law Division of the Allegheny County Bar Association and Scenic Pittsburgh, which works to preserve scenic areas to promote tourism and protect the environment, and she is a member of the Climate Caucus. Rep. Kinkead has fought tirelessly to pass legislation that adds coverage of landslides to an existing program in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection that currently only covers mine subsidence assistance and insurance. Rep. Kinkead has also advocated to expand access to renewable energy, while also investing in workforce development for petrochemical workers making their occupational transition.

Rep. Kinkead is facing a primary challenge. We urge voters to re-elect Rep. Kinkead so she can continue to fight in Harrisburg.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.