Securing Clean Air

Clear sky over Monroe county
Middle- and low-level clouds, as seen from Mount Pocono Overlook, Monroe County. Photo by Nicholas A. Tonelli.

The air we breathe is under attack daily from dangerous industrial practices like fracking and irresponsible corporations. The majority of Pennsylvania’s counties score a C, D, or F for poor air quality according to the American Lung Association. Dirty air makes us sick, increasing asthma, heart disease, and cancer rates, and it disproportionately affects some of the most vulnerable populations in our society, including low-income and communities of color. 

The good news is that there are steps we can take to dramatically improve air quality. We’re fighting for tough policies that remove toxic mercury and other pollutants from the air. We support investments in companies that produce solar and wind energy right here in Pennsylvania that create jobs, improve public health, and reduce carbon pollution. And we support strong action at the state and federal level to regulate methane, a greenhouse gas 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. As the second largest producer of natural gas – a leading source of methane emissions – Pennsylvania has an obligation to its citizens to have the best-in-class protections against methane leakage from wells, compressor stations, and pipelines.