Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


PA budget makes important environmental moves; more action needed

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen issued the following statement reacting to passage of the Pennsylvania state budget

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Pennsylvania Lawmakers Must Make Environmental Justice a Top Priority

"We need strong legislation to protect communities overburdened by pollution," writes Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen.

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CVPA Lauds Clean Energy Action by Gov. Shapiro, Pro-Environment Legislators

Executive Director Molly Parzen bills is pleased that Governor Shapiro and House Democrats brought together environmental advocates and organized labor to agree on a shared vision, recognizing that investing in clean energy will create union jobs and secure Pennsylvania’s economic future. Parzen calls on the Senate to get off the sidelines and work with Governor Shapiro and House Democrats on building a clean energy future that delivers economic prosperity for Pennsylvania families.

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New EPA Rules Will Protect Pennsylvania Residents from Dangerous ‘Forever Chemicals’

The new federal standards demonstrate that the Biden administration takes clean water seriously and will continue to take necessary action to stop chemical manufacturers from endangering our most vulnerable residents.

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CVPA lauds stringent new PFAS standards to safeguard our drinking water

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement in response to the new PFAS drinking water standards announced today by the Biden administration.

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Time to Move on Bold, New Clean Energy Plan for Pennsylvania

The commonwealth, with its highly skilled union workforce and infrastructure, should be at the forefront of the clean energy transition.

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Federal agriculture investments a boon to Chester County

Together, we can forge a bright future in which we head off a climate crisis even as we make our communities more environmentally sustainable and economically prosperous.

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CVPA hails House passage of bipartisan community solar legislation to benefit local businesses, working families and climate

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement in response to the passage of bipartisan community solar legislation by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today.

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CVPA Lauds Shapiro on Strong Clean Energy standards proposal

In response to Governor Shapiro’s announcement of a new Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania issued the following statement.

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Preserve conservation in farm bill

New conservation dollars in the farm bill should be preserved for the long term.

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