Contact: Anthony Campisi 
(732) 266-8221


CVPA lauds stringent new PFAS standards to safeguard our drinking water

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement in response to the new PFAS drinking water standards announced today by the Biden administration:

We applaud President Biden and his administration for putting the safety of Pennsylvania families first by announcing strict new PFAS standards that will improve the safety of our drinking water.

A growing body of scientific research clearly ties exposure to PFAS to a number of serious health outcomes, including cancer, diabetes, and developmental problems in young children.

These new standards will ensure peace of mind for residents across Pennsylvania, particularly in Southeastern Pennsylvania, who have been severely impacted by the use of these dangerous chemicals in a variety of industrial processes, as well as in firefighting chemicals used on military bases.

Everyone should be able to turn on the tap and know that their drinking water is safe, and today’s announcement represents a major step for achieving that reality for tens of thousands of Pennsylvania families.
