Major Investment by Leading Environmental Group Leads to Historic Success in Key Southeast PA County

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania helped support historic victories in Chester County this election cycle, making an investment of more than $250,000 to propel a slate of environmental champions to municipal, judicial, and county offices.

These financial resources – the most spent by any issue organization in county elections this year – allowed CVPA to place canvassers in Chester County, send out targeted mailers and launch a strategic digital advertising campaign to reach pro-environment residents who don’t normally vote in municipal elections.

Environmental candidates Josh Maxwell and Marian Moskowitz were elected Chester County commissioners – marking the first time since the Civil War that Democrats will control county government.  Over 20 CVPA-endorsed candidates were elected to township boards of supervisors.  Several CVPA-supported judges also won election.

“We are inspired that so many Conservation Voters of PA supporters were deeply invested in our Chester County election efforts this year,” said Executive Director Josh McNeil. “The resources we devoted were greater than any other issue organization in the state and will have a meaningful impact on Chester County’s environment for years to come.”

Conservation Voters of PA focused its get out the vote efforts on knocking on more than 50,000 doors, sending mailers to over 30,000 voters, and supporting robust digital advertising featuring a video ad that achieved over 136,000 full views and a display ad that achieved over 72,000 impressions.  

“Chester County residents are the most pro-environment of any community in the state,” McNeil said. “Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania worked hard to empower these voters to elect candidates whose priorities match their values of preserving open space, supporting clean energy solutions, and rejecting pollution.”

CVPA supported candidates committed to curbing the growth of the fossil fuel industry and halting the proliferation of pipelines threatening Chester County communities, as well as supporting the expansion of renewable energy and mass transit.

Commissioner-elect Maxwell campaigned on a platform that included working towards a clean energy grid for the county, working with the state legislature to strengthen environmental regulations and oversight, and educating local municipalities regarding zoning and ordinances that could be proactive in alleviating pipeline safety concerns. He also advocated for increased rail service as well as more bike paths and trails.

Commissioner-elect Moskowitz campaigned on establishing a taskforce to encourage renewable solutions that would decrease dependence on fossil fuels, installing solar fields and wind farms on county-owned property, and prioritizing protecting air, open space, and water.  Moskowitz has been instrumental in working to deliver regional rail to Phoenixville, which will take cars off the road and reduce sprawl.

Together, they will be able to appoint members to key boards, including the SEPTA Board and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, and can help set a new environmental agenda for the region.

“Southeastern Pennsylvania should be a leader in pursuing a pro-environment agenda in Pennsylvania,” McNeil said. “These historic victories will enable the whole region to chart a new course on environmental sustainability, transit expansion and clean energy.”