Liz Hanbidge - HD-61

Liz Hanbidge

State Representative Liz Hanbidge is running for re-election in the 61st district in Montgomery County. She has a 100% lifetime environmental score.

Rep. Hanbidge is an attorney. Shewas first elected to the State House in 2018, and is a member of the Climate Caucus. Rep. Hanbidge knows that our environment is under attack from corporate polluters and their allies in Harrisburg, and she has fought for increased pipeline safety, more penalties for companies that pollute our air and water, and a transition to renewable energy. Rep. Hanbidge will continue her great work and help local municipalities expand their energy portfolios to include more renewable energy sources, and will also help secure funding for stormwater infrastructure upgrades to reduce harmful flooding.

We are confident that Rep. Hanbidge will continue to fight for our right to clean air, clean water, and renewable energy if re-elected, and we encourage the voters of the 61st district to send her back to Harrisburg.

Paid for by Conservation Voters of PA Action Fund.