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The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed created this second volume of their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Toolkit.
This 38-page addition concentrates on external engagement practices.
(Organizational Culture) (Racial Justice)

Heard the term “implicit bias” but not totally sure what it means?  Interested in reading the seminal studies? Just like TedTalks?  Animated videos?  This is the place for you.


To advance racial equity, there is work for white people and people of color to do separately and together. Caucuses provide spaces for people to work within their own racial/ethnic groups.

(Racial Justice)

The Choose Clean Water Coalition has put together a number of online resources, including a consultant list, anti-racism resources for white people, and a DEIJ action guide.

(Discussion guide) (Organizational Culture)

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed has assembled definition for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, as well as resources for non-profit organizations, including language guides and accessibility toolkits.

(Organizational Culture)

Justice Outside has compiled numerous resources related to racial justice and the outdoors.

(Organizational Culture)

Trout Unlimited's website includes numerous resources for advancing racial justice and equity.

(Organizational Culture)

WeConservePA is committed to providing a variety of programming focused on or incorporating DEIJ principles and resources to help individuals and conservation organizations engage in the work of DEIJ.

(Organizational Culture)

The DEIJ Lens and Screening Tool is a way to reorient how we view work, roles, and relationships, while also turning daily decision-making into an intentional practice of transforming organizational systems by aligning decision-making with our DEIJ definitions. 

(Organizational Culture)
(Racial Justice) (Identity and Community)