
Executive Director Josh McNeil recaps election results

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


Preserve conservation in farm bill

New conservation dollars in the farm bill should be preserved for the long term.

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Pennsylvania Can Lead The Nation To A Cleaner Future, Before It’s Too Late

Now is the time to take bold steps to leverage federal dollars, transform our energy systems, and secure a clean and healthy environment for generations to come.

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LCV and CVPA hail VP Harris’ Pittsburgh visit to historic highlight federal water investments

In response to Vice President Harris’ visit to Pittsburgh to highlight historic federal clean water investments, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania and League of Conservation Voters issued the following statements.

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Pennsylvania Needs a Sustainable, Inclusive Economic Development Plan

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania and PennFuture have issued the following statement in conjunction with a letter addressed to Governor Shapiro expressing their concern that his Ten-Year Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Pennsylvania.

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83 PA Organizations Applaud Governor Shapiro’s Commitment to Fund Whole-Home Repairs

“Whole-Home Repairs is a win for the Commonwealth,” Says Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance Executive Director Jeaneen Zappa

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CVPA lauds Shapiro commitment to the environment in budget proposal

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen has issued the following statement in response to Governor Shapiro’s budget address.

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Governor Shapiro's 10 Year Economic Plan Repackages the Fossil Fuel Industry's Playbook

Governor Shapiro unveiled an economic development strategy that lacks innovation in energy production

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PennFuture and Conservation Voters of PA Applaud Governor Shapiro's Fracking Chemical Transparency Policy

PennFuture and Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania applaud Governor Josh Shapiro for following through with a sensible policy on transparency in drilling and hydraulic fracturing

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Federal funds are needed for Philly to become our nation’s biggest green city

Urban forestry initiatives have begun benefitting underserved communities

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Big Wins For The Environment And Pennsylvanians In 2023

These victories should compel us to rededicate ourselves to fighting for our environment – and our democracy – in 2024.

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