Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


Conservation Voters of PA hails Shapiro decision to appeal flawed RGGI ruling

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Molly Parzen issued the following statement hailing Governor Shapiro’s decision to appeal a flawed Commonwealth Court ruling blocking Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

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Election 2023 Recap: Big Pro-Environment Wins In Pennsylvania To Celebrate

However, billionaires and corporate polluters will spare no expense to protect and pad their profits at the expense of the planet. We must remain vigilant heading into 2024.

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Conservation Voters of PA Issues Post Election Statement

Organization hails the election of pro-environment, pro-democracy candidates across the Commonwealth

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Conservation Voters of PA Reacts to Today’s Announcement from Governor Shapiro on Fracking

Conservation Voters of PA released the following statement from Molly Parzen, Executive Director, regarding today’s announcement from Governor Shapiro.

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Conservation Voters of PA Reacts to Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Ruling from Commonwealth Court

Conservation Voters of PA released the following statement from Molly Parzen, Executive Director, regarding today’s Commonwealth Court ruling on Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

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Environmental Advocates to Spend More Than a Quarter Million Dollars in Support of Dan McCaffery in Critical PA Supreme Court Race

Conservation Voters of PA Victory Fund and Earthjustice Action partner on Independent Expenditure effort.

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The Importance Of Pennsylvania’s Judicial Elections For The Environment

Environmental courts motifs

Given the role of our statewide appellate courts in upholding the laws that protect our air, our water, and our vote, it's important to vote to protect a pro-environment and pro-democracy majority on the PA Supreme Court.

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Conservation Voters of PA React to the Announcement About Hydrogen Hubs

CVPA calls for the protection of health and safety, transparency, and prioritization of impacted communities.

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Conservation Voters of PA and PennFuture Applaud the Implementation of Automatic Voter Registration by the Shapiro Administration

Conservation Voters of PA and PennFuture applaud the decision of the Shapiro Administration to automatically register eligible voters when they get a driver’s license or ID card at PennDOT. Automatic voter registration (AVR) will improve the access of countless Pennsylvanians to the ballot box, particularly those in our Commonwealth’s communities of color and among people with disabilities and impairments, who have been historically disenfranchised.

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Solar For Schools: A Win For Kids, Taxpayers And Pennsylvania

Conservation Voters of PA Executive Director Molly Parzen explains why Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler’s House Bill 1032 has the potential to be transformative for the Commonwealth.

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