
Executive Director Josh McNeil recaps election results

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania is making the environment a top priority across the Commonwealth.


Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Invests Nearly $80,000 in Judicial, Local Candidates in 2021

Leading environmental advocacy group Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania announced that its Victory Fund political action committee is conducting a targeted, independent expenditure persuasion campaign to elect statewide judges and local officeholders who will make important decisions about the future of our environment, the integrity of our elections, and the health of our neighborhoods. 

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Phila. City Council calls on Congress to pass Biden climate, infrastructure plan

Philadelphia City Council is calling on Congress to quickly pass President Biden’s sweeping $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act to address the nation’s climate and infrastructure crises, pointing to the local jobs it can create and how the investments can help underserved communities.

In a resolution that passed unanimously today, Councilmembers pointed to the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida, which flooded basements, forced residents to flee from their homes and even flooded the Vine Street Expressway, closing it through Center City. Severe weather events like Ida are becoming more and more frequent due to climate change, which is also driving extreme heat that created record temperatures and multiple heat emergencies this summer.

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Biden’s infrastructure plan would help Philly fulfill clean water promise

Every family in Pennsylvania deserves access to clean, safe drinking water.

Unfortunately, in many parts of our commonwealth, particularly in communities in Southeastern Pennsylvania with older infrastructure, we are still struggling to fulfill that promise. State and local governments don’t have the resources on our own to properly address these hazards. We need a partner in the federal government.

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Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti calls on Congress to pass Biden infrastructure and climate plan at virtual roundtable

Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti joined mayors from four other states at a virtual town hall to call on Congress to pass President Biden’s infrastructure and climate plan, highlighting the family-sustaining union jobs that would be created with a transformational investment in clean energy.

Cognetti hailed the Senate’s recent passage of a bipartisan infrastructure deal to invest in crumbling bridges and expand public transit. But she said that this first step must be joined to a second, $3.5 trillion jobs and climate package currently under consideration in Congress in order to transform the Northeast Pennsylvania economy and bring it into the 21st century.

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Local Communities Want Federal Dollars To Fortify Climate Change Infrastructure

State lawmakers and environmental advocates gathered in Millvale Thursday, calling on Congress to allocate billions of dollars in federal funding for action on climate change.

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Allegheny County elected officials, labor, environmental advocates call on Congress to pass the President’s Build Back Better Agenda

Climate Action Now

Elected officials from local and state governments, along with environmental and labor advocates came together today at Millvale Food + Energy Hub to underscore the benefits of the Build Back Better agenda for Western Pennsylvanians while calling on Congress to align with the majority of PA voters (78% statewide) who support the President’s vision. The event was hosted by Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, the statewide political voice for the environment.

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League of Conservation Voters Launches Climate Action Organizing Effort in Western Pennsylvania

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV), national affiliate of Conservation Voters of PA, announced the kick-off of its organizing program aimed at building momentum for congressional action on the critically important issues of climate change and clean energy.

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CVPA, PennFuture, and Sierra Club PA Release Joint Statement on the FY 21-22 PA Budget

CVPA, PennFuture, and Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter released the following statement regarding the FY 21-22 state budget. 

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Boyle pledges action on Biden infrastructure plan in town hall meeting

At a town hall meeting last night, U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Phila.) highlighted the importance of passing President Biden’s $2.2 trillion American Jobs Plan in building back Philadelphia’s economy in a way that helps working families. 

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Biden’s American Jobs Plan means a healthier, cleaner, more economically sound future for the Lehigh Valley

Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to tackle two of the biggest crises the Lehigh Valley faces today: the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts climate change is having on our working families by voting for President Biden’s American Jobs Plan.

The plan would tackle climate change by investing trillions of dollars in infrastructure to create union jobs, jumpstarting our economy and helping to end the current high unemployment.

At least 40% of these investments would be geared toward Black and brown communities, helping to address disinvestment and generations of systemic racism that have long forced these communities to bear the brunt of pollution and environmental degradation.

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